News & Events
General Information: Some of the following information is only available in German.
D-CEET Project launched

June 2024
We are excited to announce the start of D-CEET, a new project with external page Lufthansa Aviation Training (LAT), funded by the German external page Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) in the scope of the external page mFund innovation initiative.
Today, training for airline crew members takes place almost exclusively in elaborately reproduced cabin dummies and simulators, so-called CEETs (Cabin Emergency Evacuation Trainers). The aim of the D-CEET project is to fully replicate an Airbus A320 CEET as a “digital twin”. The resulting data model is intended to enable fully immersive training of all relevant training content in virtual reality (VR) and additionally as a tablet-based application.
In our sub-project, we will validate the effectiveness of the new training concept using eye tracking and other physiological sensors in systematic studies with crew members.
Read more about the project on the geoGAZElab website.
Welcome to our new PostDoc Sailin Zhong

March 2024
Sailin recently graduated from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, on the topic of human comfort in built environments with ambient intelligence.
She started her academic career with a bachelor’s degree in Information Engineering and Media from the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and a master’s degree in Computing from the National University of Singapore. Prior to her PhD, she worked at the Singapore-ETH Centre as the work package leader of data visualization for the Cooling Singapore I project, and during her PhD, she was a visiting researcher in the Responsive Environments group at the MIT Media Lab.
Best Short Paper Award for Lin Che

November 2023
At the 18th LBS Conference (Location Based Services), held in Ghent (BE) Lin Che, member of our GeoGAZElab, received the best short paper award. In the scope of the MSCA Doctoral Network external page Eyes4ICU Lin Che, together with Yiwei Wang are investigating novel ways of using eye tracking for the improvement of location-based services.
This work has received funding from the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI). The research has been performed in the scope of Eyes4ICU, a project funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, GA No. 101072410